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Calcium for Cows Boosts Milk Production

Calcium for Cows

Calcium for cows
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Calcium is the most abundant mineral in cow’s body. It plays a vital role in maintaining the health of cows. Calcium for cows helps in building strong teeth and bones, and also improves the functioning of nerves and muscles.

Calcium is required by cows in large quantities to build strong teeth, bones and muscles. It also helps maintain normal blood pressure, a healthy heart and nerve function. The exact amount of calcium your cow needs depends on her age, breed and life stage.

The amount of calcium your cow will get from her feed depends on several factors. You need to understand how much feed your cow receive in one day. Calculate how much that feed contains of minerals like calcium, and then figure out how much of that feed is enough to supply your cow for a single day.

The level of calcium in the feed depends on various factors such as previous diets, minerals present in that feed, breeding objectives, duration of past lactation and age of animal at time of calving. The calcium requirement is dependent on body weight, age and stage of lactation (calves between 1-6 months are termed as early calves; calves between 6-12 months are termed as mid-lactation or late-lactic calves; cows older than 12 months are termed as mature).

Understand how to calculate calcium for cows as it is essential for any dairy farmer who intends to keep his herd healthy throughout the year.

Why cows require calcium bolus?

Calcium bolus is the addition of calcium to cow’s feed to increase the overall calcium level of the feed. Calcium bolus for cows is the amount of supplemental calcium given per day per animal to meet the daily nutrient requirement for milk production (calves) or maintenance of healthy skeletal structure (adult cows). Calcium for cows should be given daily because it acts as a preventive medicine that can help prevent soft udder syndrome, osteochondrosis and metabolic bone disease.

This bolus is usually added to the feed of cows when they are in early lactation. It is also given to cows when they are in mid-lactation. At this stage, the body of the cow undergoes rapid changes. It is at this stage that the body of the cow is more vulnerable to disorders. A calcium bolus is therefore required to protect the body of the cow from disorders.

calcium for cows boosts milk production
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There are two types of bolus calcium for cows-

  1. Continuous Calcium Bolus: Continuous bolus is given to cows daily. It is given for a long duration and the rate at which it is given is usually controlled by a computer. The computer calculates the rate of feed intake and controls the rate of bolus administration.
  2. Intermittent Calcium Bolus: Intermittent bolus is given to cows once in a week. This is usually given when the level of feed intake in the cow is less than that required to maintain the required level of the mineral in her feed. Intermittent bolus is useful in the case of cow that is on dry feed diet.

How to Calculate Bolus of Calcium for Cows?

Calcium bolus amount for a cow depends on the level of feed intake in the cow and the feed level in the feeder. The computer system of the feeder then calculates the amount to be added to the feeder. The feeder is connected to the feeder of the cow at a rate of feed per minute. The computer system of the feeder then calculates the rate at which the feeder should be filled. The feeder keeps feeding the ration to the cow that is connected to it until the feeder is filled with feed.

The steps involved in calculating calcium bolus for cows include-

Setting the desired calcium level in feeder: The feeder is set to deliver feed having desired level of calcium.

Setting the desired calcium level in the cow: Computer system of the feeder of the cow is set with desired level of calcium in the feeder.

Calculation of feed intake: Computer system of the feeder of the cow receives feed intake information from the feeder. It then calculates the amount of feed required to be delivered.

Filling feeder with feed: Calcium bolus is calculated by computer. Feeder is filled with feed.

Calculation of feed intake in cow: Computer system receives feed intake information from the feeder of the cow. It then calculates the amount of feed required to be delivered.

Importance of Calcium for Cows

calcium for cows
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Calcium is an essential mineral that is required by cows in large quantity. Along with minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and potassium, calcium is called as the “mineral of milk”.

It is responsible for regulating the secretion of the milk in the cow’s body. The level of calcium in the feed is also dependent on various factors such as the previous diets, minerals present in that feed, breeding objectives, duration of previous lactation and age of animal at time of calving.

As the level of calcium in the feed is increased, the rate of milk secretion is increased in the cow’s body. It is important for a cow to have sufficient intake of calcium in her diet.

If a cow does not have enough calcium, it can lead to the development of various disorders in her body. When cows are given adequate calcium, milk yield is also increased in the cow. It is therefore important for dairy farmers to keep their cows healthy with adequate calcium in their diet.

Why Dicalcium Phosphate (DCP) is added in the feed of cows?

Dicalcium phosphate (DCP) is used as an additive to feed as an alternative to calcium. It is also known as “phosphate calcite”.

DCP plays an important role in increasing the level of calcium in the feed. It can be added to the feed of cows at a rate of 3% of feed. DCP is added to the diet of cows as an additive because it is not available in significant amount in the feed of the cow. It is added to help the cow to get sufficient amount of calcium in her diet.

It is important for a cow to have adequate intake of calcium in her diet. If a cow does not have enough calcium in her diet, it can lead to the development of various disorders in her body.

Liming and Seeding Recipe: When to Use Which?

Calcium is an important mineral required by the body of cows. It is also responsible for developing strong teeth and bones in the body of the cow. Major health disorders that can be caused due to low level of calcium in the feed are – osteoporosis, fractures and weakness in the legs. Along with calcium, other minerals are required for proper functioning of the cow’s body. These minerals can be found in the feed of the cow and include – phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and potassium.

The body of a cow is vulnerable to disorders that can be caused due to low level of minerals in the feed. A common practice among dairy farmers is to add mineral supplements to the feed and feed them with a high number of calories. This practice is not ideal as it increases the level of calories in the feed and may result in excess intake of calories by the cattle.

The best practice is to add minerals in the feed at a rate that is below the requirement of the cow. This helps the cow to get sufficient amount of minerals in her diet without consuming more calories.


Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for cattle.

If you want to provide the optimal nutrition for your cows, check the products range of Inmed Animal Health.

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